Longevity Healthcare Center in Newport Beach, CA

Longevity Healthcare Center in Newport Beach, CA

When you think about losing weight or inches, the physical benefits like improved heart health, mobility, and fitting into smaller clothes likely come to mind first. But the impacts of sustainable weight loss extend far beyond just your body’s outer appearance. At Longevity Healthcare, we believe that true wellness is an integrated journey of the mind, body, and spirit. That’s why today we’re shining a light on the profound positive effects that shedding unwanted pounds and inches can have on your mental and emotional wellbeing. If you’ve been struggling with persistent anxiety, low self-confidence, mood swings, or lack of motivation, your weight could be an unexpected influencing factor. Understanding the mental health impacts of losing inches provides a powerful source of motivation to continue your health journey. Many functional medicine…
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What Types of Services do Home Health Care Agencies in St. Louis Provide?

What Types of Services do Home Health Care Agencies in St. Louis Provide?

Home Care Assistance for Family Members : Home health care can be available when you need home care assistance on a daily basis, an hourly basis, a per-trip basis or even for 24-hour care for your loved one who needs a helping hand. It's a fact that people who stay in their home and have medical care in-house, recover more quickly from surgeries, feel better about having some independence and they actually live longer in the long run. (more…)
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